The year the world stood still, screamed, fought, united and undoubtedly saw the most radical changes of it's time in a while. 2020 is also the year, I believe, we bet on ourselves. We got hurt and found our healing. We were filled with what seemed like a babbling brook and erupted like a volcano as the months rolled by. Definitely a year to remember. When things seemed dim, glow I did!
Enter the phenomenal powerhouse, RushTush. She made a call to get a band of women to become #GlowGetters, and I got picked. I have followed RushTush for a while, and I have been inspired by how she's always sought to inspire women, build her brand and do it all as a supermom. She is pregnant with her third boy and she does it all without even breaking a sweat. I was only too excited to be part of this group of amazing women who want to make changes in their life using the the RushTush products.
I will be sure to do another post about the products and my experience with them. But for now, I'd say the journey has been a bit tough. Yes, some real talk. I think sometimes dealing with a few things at once can either challenge you to pause and really sift through them, or challenge you to fight through. I was mostly the former. Around the time of starting this challenge, I had just started a new job, dealing with yet another move, a pandemic and life was happening to everyone.
I saw myself being inspired to workout again, the convenience of being able to workout at home using the RushTushFitApp, was a lifesaver! The recovery period was incredible as I tend to go hard at times, but the RushTush pharmaceuticals came to my rescue. One thing I can say that has drastically changed, is that I don't feel as bloated as I used to. I am motivated to eat better, be more intentional about what goes into my body and how I can best rest.
To end off on this note in my journey to finding my best self, the #GlowGetter experience has taught or reminded me of the following recipe for success (feel free to add your touch to it):
Have a goals in mind - watch yourself crush them
Commit - this is everything if you want to see things through
Be consistent - it's the only way to get results
Prep for everything - even the unexpected events will feel planned if you do
Be kind to yourself - one of the ways to do this is to listen to your body
Show up - hey, if you're struggling to commit, just take the first step and be present
Trust the process - it may look different, because, so are you
How has this refined my thoughts towards wellness? Everyone's journey is different, and that's okay. There is so much pressure to outdo everyone else when you're the only one in your lane. Self-care is many things, find your routine and see the results. You can follow my journey on Instagram. Be sure to show some love and engage with the content. Visit to purchase a range of fitness, beauty and pharmaceutical products to help you get your glow on!